Why The Nasty Thigh Gap Will Not Go Away…..

HT bathing suit ml 140312 16x9 608 Target Apologizes for Thigh Gap Photoshop Fail Many of you may or may not be aware of the picture that I posted beside this text. Well if you are not, this picture was recently released and caused outrage due to the excessive amount of photoshop they gave this model. All that she could look like she had a “perfect” thigh gap. (Come on it is a swim suit picture so of course they are going to photoshop until the model looks unrealistic). After seeing this picture and having already wrote a blog about this issue it makes me sick that this issue is still around. This picture not only sets unrealistic goals for girls and women all around the world, the sad part is that most girls who look at this picture don’t understand that it is impossible to look like this. And this is body was created with a computer. The amount of publicity this picture recieved gives me a little bit of hope that people still do care about our health and maybe this will be the first steps forward to create postive body images for girls and women everywhere. Photoshop is something that should be used for artistic purposes only, instead of creating eating disorders. To all the girls and women out there who were innocently shopping on targets website and had to come across this disturbing picture just know that this picture was created with a computer. And to the model who had her body distorted just know that it is not you that has to change, it is the person you changed you!


On that note Happy Monday!