Chasing My Dreams…..Literally!

54904-All-Of-Our-Dreams  Hello! And welcome back todays post will be a bit personal and emotional for me. So before I draw it out any longer I shall begin.

In just three short days I will be leaving the U.S and I am going to go completely out of my comfort zone, and do something I normally would never. As much as I want to get in to detail as to what excatly I am going to do, I can’t at the moment. Lets just say that it is something that can open many more doors for me in the future. The point of today’s post is not to talk about the actual physically activity I am going to be doing, but to share with everyone how important it is to take a chance and throw everything in the air and hope that God catches it and leads you to the right direction. I tend to sit at night especially as the days creep closer and closer and question if I am making the right choice. I am leaving my family, putting my job and my apartment on hold and taking a risk. And although I tend to question myself I still feel this sense of calmness I truly believe that it is the Lord who is telling me that it is going to be okay, he is telling me to trust him, he is telling me that this is excatly what I need to be doing at this very moment. Through the mist of the doubt and the feeling of being scared going to a place where I don’t know many people those words from the Lord  couldn’t be anymore comforting.  So what exacatly am I trying to encourage you to do? I am telling you to push yourself and take yourself to a place that you didn’t think was possible. Fight for your dreams, don’t settle for comfort, push yourself out of the ordinary box stand up and follow your dreams! One of the worst feelings is looking back and wondering “what it” I have made that mistake before and trust me I promised myself that I will no longer do that. So no matter what age you are, you are never to old to pursue your dreams, to take a chance and to make it happen! I hope that who ever reads this feels inspire, motivated and willing to make it happen! So go…..CHASE YOUR DREAMS!!



Why The Nasty Thigh Gap Will Not Go Away…..

HT bathing suit ml 140312 16x9 608 Target Apologizes for Thigh Gap Photoshop Fail Many of you may or may not be aware of the picture that I posted beside this text. Well if you are not, this picture was recently released and caused outrage due to the excessive amount of photoshop they gave this model. All that she could look like she had a “perfect” thigh gap. (Come on it is a swim suit picture so of course they are going to photoshop until the model looks unrealistic). After seeing this picture and having already wrote a blog about this issue it makes me sick that this issue is still around. This picture not only sets unrealistic goals for girls and women all around the world, the sad part is that most girls who look at this picture don’t understand that it is impossible to look like this. And this is body was created with a computer. The amount of publicity this picture recieved gives me a little bit of hope that people still do care about our health and maybe this will be the first steps forward to create postive body images for girls and women everywhere. Photoshop is something that should be used for artistic purposes only, instead of creating eating disorders. To all the girls and women out there who were innocently shopping on targets website and had to come across this disturbing picture just know that this picture was created with a computer. And to the model who had her body distorted just know that it is not you that has to change, it is the person you changed you!


On that note Happy Monday!

The Broke Health Nut

Hello Everyone!

So I as you can tell my blog does consist of many different topics and random posts. Today is yet another random post that I will definitely post more of if I get positive reviews. I am posting a healthy recipe that is easy and most importantly CHEAP! Everyone wants to eat healthy and create recipes but can’t because it is so expensive to get the ingredients needed. That is why I am here. I have a cheap, easy and extremely healthy recipe for those who are on a tight budget like myself.

First you will need a can of chickpeas: Image

It can be any brand, most chick peas retail for about  50 cents to a dollar.

You will also need: Image

Cinnamon- 50 cents/ Brown Sugar- 1.50/ Olive Oil- 1.25

The first thing you want to do is take the chickpeas put them in a strainer and rinse them well: c

Once chickpeas are rinsed and strained pat dry them with any towel or paper towel.

After chickpeas are dried and rinsed grease a pan and sprinkle with cinnamon and brown sugar!

Chickpeas should be coated with cinnamon and brown sugar and ready to put in the oven that is set for 350. Chickpeas should take 20-25 minutes to cook.

After 25 mins. chickpeas should be cooled for 10 mins. and then ready to eat!


This is a great anytime portable snack, as well as a snack for those who crave a good crunch! This is a great chip alternative!