22 and No Friends…..

Hey guys,

Soooooo, it has been a long time since I put anything up on here. To be honest, life happened I completely shifted gears with where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do with my life. To quickly catch you up on my life, I am still a full time student in college, I still live a lone but moved to a different  apartment, I got first runner up this summer for Miss Puerto Rico 2014, I opened my own dance studio (I know!?! Crazy) and I work at a gift shop on weekends. Yeah, that is my life in a couple words. So as I was doing homework today I decided I wanted to get back into blogging, I have experienced and gone through things that I know people can relate to. I know that my purpose in life is to help others, which is why I decided to blog again.

Today’s topic is exactly what the title is, I currently don’t have any type of social life whats so ever. I haven’t gone out with “friends” since high school, which was in 2011….. crazy right?!?! Time and work is what I am constantly trying to keep up with, which has led me to not having any friends. So you may be thinking you have to at least have one friend and the answer is no. Owning a business especially a dance studio is difficult and rewarding at the same time. My family and students are my best friends, which I have no problem with. As you know in my previous blog posts I was bullied, which has led to trust issues with other people. I am constantly being cautious with who I surround myself with. And I have also gravitated toward children and family for any type of social enjoyment.

The point of todays post is for those who are out there feeling alone, depressed and worthless because you have no friends…..DONT. I would be lying to you all if I said I don’t get depressed some days, when I scroll through my Instagram and see picture of people having a great social life. But I have come to the realization that this is my life right now. This is where God wants me to be at this moment. I would rather have no friends than a bunch of fake friends, so to those who neglect your family and loved ones to be with friends, think twice about that decision. Family is not on this Earth forever, so try to find a happy balance between both friends and family.

Remember guys stay strong and work hard, Happy Monday!



She Does(nt) Have It All…..

Have you ever looked at someone as your walking down the street, in a store, or even just meeting someone for the first time and have said “wow they have it all”. Well as much as I don’t want to admit it, I have done it plenty ofUnknown times. Recently, I’ve noticed that people are looking at me and my life and thinking “wow she has it all”. One of the most frustrating things is having a person approach me saying this. It’s crazy to think how much social media can mask a persons’ reality. Many people don’t realize that social media is only a third of a what a person goes through. A majority of the time as I am scrolling down my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds all I see are inspirational quotes, or picture of people taking “selfies”, or even posts of how amazing there new job is. Every time I think of social media, I think of it as a place where people like to mask the negativity in there lives and only show the best they have to offer.


Unknown Am I saying that you should put all the negative things that happen in your life for the world to see? No, I am saying that people only see you as what they see on their feed. I have ran in to so many old high school friends who have said to me “you have it all”. And as I mentioned before I have done the same to others. The point I am trying to get across is that NOBODY “has it all”. People may think I do but little do they know I have abandon my social life, I have never had a boyfriend (and I am 21) and I face struggles, challenges and fears just like anybody else. Okay now that I have called out all the negative things in my life I must say that I am still grateful for what I do have. A loving supportive family, the opportunities career wise that God has placed in my life, and the fact that I have a roof and food daily for myself. Ultimately, I just want you to know that we should not be envious, or even judgmental to other people based on what we see when scrolling down our feed every night laying in bed watching your favorite episodes of Housewives (guilty)! I, YOU, AND WE are so much more than a profile picture and a status. So just remember the next time you think that someone has it better than you take the time to look around and notice what YOU already have!



How I said NO to FEAR!

Hello ALL!

I can’t believe that it has been already a month since the last time I have blogged. As you all know from my previous blog post I am currently chasing my dreams. I have put my “normal” life on hold to pursue this dream. And if you haven’t already read my previous post to get a better idea of my thoughts and feelings about doing something like this. Anyways, today I just wanted to briefly talk about my experience thus far. It has been a long and hard journey personally. I never really had a chance in my life until now to stop and really think about who I am and where I want to go in life. Being here has allowed me to become more in tune with myself mentally and spiritually. I feel that I can now do anything I want and go anywhere I want to go because I am no longer afraid of FEAR! It is the most revitalizing feeling to let go of fear. I feel as if I am unstoppable, as if I can do anything in my life now that I have conquered the black cloud I call fear. So to make this post a little more interesting I will post pictures of some of my favorite things that have got me through this journey:


IMG_0069Of course the number one thing that has got me through my most toughest days here is faith! Without God I would not have made it this far!


IMG_0075The view from my apartment. This may sound odd, but this view has allowed me to reflect on many different areas of my life.

IMG_0070 So of course I had to throw in a random item, without this lotion I would be a very dry mess. The weather here is always dry and hot!

IMG_0072 It is cute isn’t it? Without my iPod I think I would have pulled my hairs out being a dancer  this is my escape!

IMG_0066Journaling is something that I started when I first arrived, I wanted to document my thoughts each day that I’ve been here. I must say I look forward to my nightly journaling sessions, it is therapeutic and it’s something I recommend to everyone!

IMG_0073 Yes, they are not the prettiest shoes ever but they have been my main source of transportation. Since my car has been back home, I’ve had to walk everywhere and boy do I appreciate my car that much more!

IMG_0074Of course without my phone and laptop I wouldn’t have been able to keep in contact with my family on a daily basis and I realized how privileged I am to even have a phone because many don’t.


IMG_0067 I know I mentioned my journal earlier but this is a little sneak peek of my daily entries…..hehe! I honestly felt like it was necessary to put a second picture because this has been my outlet every single night!

IMG_0068Lastly, this is one of the most important pieces that has got me through this month. This is a matching bracelet I gave to my mother before I left on my trip. It’s a symbol of her presence with me everywhere I go and even though I talk to her several times a day, the distance between our relationship has probably been the hardest thing I’ve dealt with this whole month. I now know that I am able to be apart from her but still have her with me spiritually no matter where I go. I love you mom!


So I hope you all enjoyed this post, since I have posted in a couple weeks I figured I would give you all a more detailed post. Again thank you to all who have continued to follow my blog and have shown support. It has motivated me to keep going with this! Remember tell fear NO! It is something that can either keep you from your dreams or motivate you to them! Have a great weekend!


-Stephanie Ramos


Getting Hit On By A Married Man…..


images Happy Friday!

As I stated in my previous blog post I will be posting every friday! So as promised here is a new post!
For those of you who are new hello and welcome! And for those are have stuck around thank you!

Okay on to the point of this post. So let me start from the beginning, I was casually strolling through the Walmart lanes and was being stared at an average looking man. I quickly thought two things, this dude is going to pull a weapon out and kill me! LOL or he must know me but I don’t know him. After a couple akward seconds of him staring he appoarched with a very “movie like” pick up line. I happened to be in the protein powder section, and he looked at me and said “are you looking for a good protein powder”? From that question on we began talking and asking each other general questions. “Where are you from”, where do you work” etc. But I am the type of person who likes to get to the point of things especially if you are a man I don’t want you wasting my time if you have things to hide. So I finally asked him “how old are you”? He quickly looked at me in the eyes and said “37”. RED FLAG! I looked at hime and said “I am 21”. He akwardly looked at me and laughed as if it didn’t phase him. I continued talking to him to try and be nice and we began talking about protein powders, as I was talking to him I tried to very quickly look down at his hand to do the “ring check”. But this guy must have been a pro at this, he strategically had his ring finger and pinky tucked under a gallon of milk he was holding while his other two fingers were exposed. Throughout the whole conversation he kept a firm tight grip on the milk holding on for dear life! Finally I decided to politely end the conversation say “it was nice to meet you”. As I said that he looked as if he wanted to say more but I quickly walked away. And the story does not end here. Me being a woman I wanted to get down to the bottom of this and I wanted to see if this guy really was married. I mean he complemented me, my body, as well as my intelligence as if he were a single man. So YES I really did do this alone but I went and hid in an aisle to see if when he passed by it he would finally expose his finger. Low and behold HE WAS MARRIED! My heart was racing and it took everything in me to not go up to him and hit him in the face in front of everyone. As I left Walmart I realized that I felt the need to share this to warn women to make sure if you meet someone you get to the point. Don’t wait after you give your phone number out or even start getting feelings for the man. Because I could have eaisly took the chance and gave him my number without checking if he was married. So hopefully to whoever reads this I gave you some sort of inspiration to becareful and don’t be afraid to GET TO THE POINT! Well this was one heck of a Friday post. SEE YOU NEXT FRIDAY!

-XOXO, Stephanie